Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Why Old Crows?

by Jerry Albertus

Rich and Marie Albertus with little Jerry
Everyone begins life with a set of predetermined physical properties, and some personality traits. We have all noticed this, that from birth, babies are unique.   They are happy, loud, content, active, placid or impatient.  Life and surroundings then begin to shape our values, dreams and character.  A major influence on my life was my father, Rich Albertus.  He is my wise Old Crow.  His attitude and humor enriched all who knew him.  He was content if his life contained the simple dignity of an honest job done well, the company of family and friends, a good meal, and at the end of the day... a glass of Old Crow bourbon.

That Old Crow salute to another good day has, with his passing, evolved into a family toast of thanks to him and all our ancestors.  If he had seen Scarlet, our One Lap Mustang, he would have most likely said, "That car is slicker than a schoolmarm’s leg!”  Since he would have enjoyed One Lap, we are inviting his spirit to ride along with our Old Crows Racing Team.

We do not endorse drinking or any commercial product nor is our name meant to imply any association with the most famous Old Crow, the P-51 Mustang flown by triple Ace, Bud Anderson.